Pandas prefer their solitude and they do not like the company of others. They have a very strong sense of smell. This sense is commonly used by the males to avoid other males and find female pandas for mating. The panda will spend 5 months of pregnancy and after that, it will give birth to 1 or 2 cubs. However, it is hard for the single mother to take care of both her cubs. You will be surprised to know that the baby cubs cannot crawl until they reach the age of three months and they are only 5 pounds in weight. The cubs are white and blind. They will develop the color as their age will increase.

No doubt that the panda is the most endangered and rarest animal present in the world. According to the census done in 2014, it was found that there were only 1,864 giant pandas left in the world. In order to assure that this species can be protected from extinction, the experts took special care of most of the pandas that are left to allow them to breed and grow in a safe environment. It has helped to increase the population of pandas.