Import Your Car to Thailand

Bring your Vehicle in Thailand

If you want to import your car in Thailand, it is not easy. You may find many difficulties in the process to import your vehicle in Thailand. It is because the involvement of bureaucracy has made the process of importing vehicles to Thailand very complicated. But for expats to import a vehicle is possible. We have descried the main things that you have to do for importing your vehicle for your awareness. 

The very first thing that you have to do is that you need to have an import license from the Commerce Ministry. If you have a long stay visa you can get this license; long stayed visa is must require thing to get the license. When you get the approval of import license, you will be able to import your vehicle to Thailand by putting that into a container. After the arrival of the vehicle, you have to submit the relevant documents of it. After the custom, the department has assessed the taxes and dues of you, and you declare all of them your vehicle will be released from the customs department. 

Documents Required

If you are visiting Thailand, for you it is not recommended to import the vehicle. It is because it can be a very costly procedure for you. Value of import taxes is almost 150 to 300 percent of the value of the car.  

A suggested Visit for you

You can get all the essence of Thailand from the ancient temple to the elephant volunteers. You can get a unique experience by having an overnight train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. It can be a cost-effective visit for you.

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